and I am DONE with school for a month. Phew! I have a test this week, a test and a final next week, then a final the following week and I'm outta there. More time for knitting!
Speaking of which, it is slow going on Grandma's Cardigan. Like this slow:

I finally finished the fronts (and washed/blocked them) and started the sleeves, but I am very suspicious about it not fitting her. I didn't take measurements, which I am totally kicking myself over, but someone I know must be a size 8 or 10 to try it on for me.
I already found a new project to add to my To Knit list...mittens! I have some nice store-bought mittens, but I found this pattern and, well, I must have them. Yesterday.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is in a few days. Gak. I'm doing a low-key dinner, since it's just the two of us, and making: a turkey breast, green bean casserole, and stuffing (from scratch, the only way to have it!)
B is in a pissy mood today, which puts me in a pissy mood, which I'm trying to fight. Really trying. Otherwise next stop is telling the husband to call the whambulance....
He has a lot of homework to do. Me too. But he treats his schoolwork like it's the most important thing in the universe at that moment. It's not.
I busted my ass cleaning the house yesterday. All I asked of him was to: do laundry, bring up Christmas decorations, and install new flourescent light today. He has done one load of laundry, nothing else.
I went grocery shopping today. Got a ton of stuff, he didn't even ask if I needed help bringing it inside.
Now he's crabbing and flailing about something not working right on his computer (still doing homework), but he doesn't want me to look at him. OK, chief.
It's going to be a long night...
/end rant
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