Snow, Christmas, and frogs
I'll start with the last one since you probably were like "Yep, OK, ....huh?!"
Grandma's Cardigan is getting on my last nerve. I had the sleeves ALL done, blocked, ready to join on. But when I went to attach them, they were too small. Grr. So I cast on stitches around the armhole, intending to work them from the armhole down, but it was going to be too much of a pain in the butt to do it that way. So I took the cast on # and did some math, and now have a new! improved! sleeve measurement, and now my sleeves look like this:
Because it was just easier to start from scratch than fix them. At least the body is all done, otherwise I'd be seriously freaking out that I have to redo the sleeves with only 18 days left. I know a lot of knitters will work on a project on Christmas Eve night to finish in time to gift Christmas Day, but I am not one of those people. The more of a buffer zone I have, the better. With anything. I don't like to be rushed.
It's been snowing like crazy the past few days, including right now:
Which make the Christmas decorations look all the more festive (pardon the signage behind the tree):
I'm glad I decided to decorate this year. I haven't for the past 2 years as kind of a boycott on Christmas since my Mom died, since it was her favorite time of year. But I think she's happy I got over it and put up some pretty stuff...some of it used to be hers, too! The stocking is old...34 years old, to be exact. My great-grandma made it for me for my 1st Christmas. I love it.
And this is what I get for leaving my office door open a teeny tiny crack:
A cat sleeping on the heated massage table!
P.S. Awesome new Christmas album:

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